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04-21-2017 - Vice President Pence Press Conference with the Prime Minister Turnbull of Australia



04-21-2017 - Vice President Pence Press Conference with the Prime Minister Turnbull of Australia audio English Vice President Pence Press Conference with Malcolm Turnbull the Prime Minister of Australia US Vice-President Mike Pence will hold talks with Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull today, with growing military tensions on the Korean peninsula expected to dominate his three-day visit to Australia. Mr Pence flew into Sydney late yesterday accompanied by his wife and children, on the final stopover of his tour of key US allies in Asia. He is expected to use today's talks to reassure Australia of America's commitment to the region when he today holds talks with the Turnbull Government. He will also meet Opposition Leader Bill Shorten, and host a gathering of American business leaders. On Sunday Mr Pence and his family will have the opportunity to explore key Sydney landmarks, during a tour of the Harbor.