Calvary Chapel Sydney

Ben Grisez - Job 19:1-29 My Redeemer Lives



Job wondered how long he would be tormented by friends who showed him no compassion or pity. Like a flour that springs up in ground burnt with fire, the faith of Job flashed forth to proclaim his Redeemer lived. The Redeemer Job alluded to is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ who redeemed lost sinners and gives abundant life to all who trust Him. Verses in order of appearance: Job 19:1-6 Job 19:7-12 Job 19:13-20 Ruth 1:20-21 Job 19:21-22 Hebrews 4:14-16 Job 19:23-29 Exodus 6:6-7 Ruth 4:14-15 Exodus 33:20 Psalm 17:15 1 John 3:2 John 14:19 John 10:10 Colossians 1:13-15