Christ Church Jerusalem

Acts 6 - Bible study



Neville Jones walks us through Acts 6, which starts a new section in the book. The focus is shifting from the apostles to other players, such as Stephen, Philip and Saul (Paul). Stephen is the central character in chapters 6 and 7, as Luke builds the narrative bridge toward the life of Saul of Tarsus. The timing of chapter 6 is not clear; it could be a year or perhaps a few years after Pentecost. What is clear is that this new community of the Way faces challenges: growing pains and culture clashes between Hebrew-speaking, Judean Jews and Greek-speaking diaspora Jews. The Twelve Apostles decide to appoint what are later called deacons to assist with food distribution and make sure no one is neglected. Later in the chapter, Stephen is revealed as more than someone who can “serve tables” but as a powerful and gifted public speaker and debater. This will get the attention of the opponents of the Way. Notes for this study can be found at