Christ Church Jerusalem

Pentecost: Holy Spirit and the Divine Community



9 June 2019 - On Pentecost Sunday, Rev. David Pileggi tells us that New Testament teaches that Holy Spirit is available to everyone. God gives his Spirit freely, but maintaining relationship with the Father calls for costly discipleship, holiness. "If you love me, you will obey what I command." We are to respond to God's gift of deliverance in gratitude. What does the Holy Spirit do in John? The Holy Spirit brings the presence of Jesus to us. It allows us to enter into the Divine Community. The Holy Spirit does what Jesus does, what the Father does. The goal of having the Spirit is for all in Messiah go out to be witnesses of the Jesus Messiah. Readings: Acts 2:1-21; John 14:8-17, 25-27 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.