Christ Church Jerusalem

Acts 10 - Bible Study



Rev. Aaron Eime leads us through Acts 10, which introduces the watershed moment of Gentile inclusion into the Jesus movement. Prior to this the mission of the early church had been restricted to the Jewish and Samaritan peoples. The place settings of the event are also of importance. Cornelius, a Roman centurion of an elite Italian unit, was based in Caesarea, the administrative capital of the Roman occupation. He is identified as a godfearer, a Gentile attracted to monotheism who has joined the synagogue. He was a generous supporter of the Jewish people despite being an integral part of the occupation force. Notes for this study can be found at Peter was residing in Joppa, associated to the tradition of the prophet Jonah. Beginnings and ends always occur in the same place and same manner in the Bible. Jonah was instructed to go to Gentiles and refused. Now Peter receives the same commission and accepts. Blessed by our teachings