Christ Church Jerusalem

Luke 14: A commandment to hate?



8 Sept 2019 - Rev. David Pileggi walks us through the difficult passage of what Jesus requires of his disciples. What does Jesus mean when he says disciple must hate their families? What does it meant to count the cost? Jesus' words -- while they should not condemn us -- should make us feel uncomfortable and cause us to examine where our priorities and loyalties lie. Are we finding our security and identity in anything other than Messiah Jesus? Discipleship cannot be separated from the cross. We must have our identity in Christ; that identity is more important than our family name. This idea of hating family is a Jewish idea, a rhetorical device that says you must prefer the great Rabbi over anything or anyone else. As a rabbinical idea says, while our mother and father brought us into this life, Rabbi Jesus is the one who will take us into the next life. Readings: Deuteronomy 30:15-20; Luke 14:25-35 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation. www.christchurchjerusa