Christ Church Jerusalem

Habakkuk 1 & 2: Ask questions, but keep trusting



6 Oct 2019 - Rev. David Pileggi has us consider the Habakkuk, who complains to God as he sees violence coming and his personal safety is in doubt. Habakkuk asks questions. Questions are OK, especially when they come out of desire to know God better. But let us also remember that God doesn't answer ever question. We must learn to live faithfully even with mystery. "The righteous will live by his faith," his trust, his faithfulness, his persistence even in the face of trouble or violence. God is calling us to be faithful even as we see the world in confusion and turmoil. It's easy for us to say we give up, or we don't believe any more. God says, wait. Be trusting. Be faithful. When we acknowledge God is in control, that doesn't mean we are passive or isolationist. The Gospel of the Kingdom and the Glory of God are expanding in the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. Remaining faithful means we pray, we evangelize, we stand up against injustice, we care for the needy.. Readings: Lamentations 1:1-6, 3:19-26;