Christ Church Jerusalem

All Saints Day: Remembering our Future



3 Nov 2019 - All Saints Day is one of the seven major feasts of the church. Rev. John Howanstine tells us that the holiday calls us to persevere and endure. We, the redeemed by Messiah, are not just saved into heaven but we are recruited into the procession of the more-than-conquering saints. We don't walk with Jesus alone but with one another. And we walk not just with those who are immediately around us but also with those who have gone on before us, the great cloud of witnesses. Let us remember our identity in Jesus, especially when we suffer. We are not victims but saints of Messiah King Jesus. Readings: Daniel 7:1-3; 15-16; Ephesians 1:11-23; Luke 6:20-31 Blessed by our teachings? Consider saying thank you with a small (or large) donation.