Candid Conversations With Dr. Mayfield

Philosophy Of Plenty



When you see someone else’s success, what is your first response? Do you respond with anger, judgment, jealousy? Are you overcome with feelings of disappointment or sorrow about your own life? Or are you able to celebrate with them? Using their success as an inspiration and catalyst for your own growth. When we discuss the philosophy of plenty, it is also important to confront our own belief in lack. We must look at how we define success and make sure that we aren’t focused on how we might miss out. Join Dr. Mark and Trever as they invite you to look around you for opportunities, check your own beliefs about abundance, and redefine your idea of success. Remember to subscribe and follow us wherever you are listening, so that you don’t miss any episodes! If you like the Therapist’s Invitation, rate, and review so that others can find us too. And if you would like more content designed to help you on your mental health journey, make sure to join The Mayfield Collective. There you will find even more