Leaving Laodicea

302 - God's Name = His Nature and Character



Jesus said to pray in this manner:  "Our Father in heaven, hallowed (or, sanctify, make holy) Your name" (Matt. 6:9).But is there more to God's name than just... God?  How can we make holy the name of God when we don't really know what that name is and what His name reveals about the nature of God?  For example, in the Old Testament God our Father is also known as:Jehovah-tsidkenu - Jehovah our RighteousnessJehovah-m’kaddesh - Jehovah Who SanctifiesJehovah-shammah - Jehovah is ThereJehovah-shalom - Jehovah is PeaceJehovah-rophe - Jehovah HealsJehovah-jireh - Jehovah Sees or His Provision Shall be SeenJehovah-nissi - Jehovah our BannerJehovah-rohi - Jehovah our ShepherdWant to know more about God's names and His nature?  Then keep listening.The following is a study on Colossians 1:9-11 and the names of God.