Leaving Laodicea

306 - Does God Really Keep People From Believing in Him?



When Jesus begins to close His public ministry He makes a statement that, if not understood correctly, casts the Father in the light of a cruel taskmaster, a petty ruler, or a cold, cynical, calculating Nazi.  But when this same statement of Jesus is understood properly, in context, it shows the breathtaking love and grace of the Father in a way that will astound each of us.We find the controversial statement in John 12:39-40:Therefore they could not believe, because Isaiah said again:“He (God) has blinded their eyes and hardened their hearts, (why) lest they should see with their eyes, lest they should understand with their hearts and turn, so that I (God) should heal them."Does this really mean what it says?  Does God really harden people's heart so they can't believe in Him?  Yes. And no.  But you'll have to keep listening to find out more.The following is a study on John 12:37:50.