Leaving Laodicea

310 - Is it Possible to Love Like Jesus?



After Judas left the others in the Upper Room to go finalize his act of grand betrayal, Jesus affectionately spoke to those who remained, calling them His "little children" (John 13:33).  He then gave them a new command."A new commandment I give to you, that you love (agape) one another; as I have loved (agape) you, that you also love (agape) one another.  By this (your love for one another) all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love (agape) for one another" (John 13:34-35).Question:  How is that even possible?  How are we to love each other the way Christ loves us?  What does that look like in real life?  And why is our love for each other the defining mark of being a disciple of Christ?Do you want to find out if it is even possible to love like Jesus?  If so, keep listening.The following is a study on John 13:31-38.