Leaving Laodicea

311 - How to Prepare for the Coming Persecution



We  know it's coming.  We can see the signs of it everywhere.  Persecution for the church has now come to our own shores and, quite honestly, we are ill prepared for it.  Which raises the all important question:  Is there something we can do now, before the persecution begins in earnest, to prepare for what is soon to happen?And the answer is, yes.  One, we can prepare spiritually by totally committing our life into the hands of the living Lord Jesus, come what may.Two, we can prepare physically by disengaging from the world's system and begin to live in His Kingdom.Three, we can prepare emotionally by embracing persecution as a means of furthering the Gospel by looking beyond our own circumstances and looking only at Him.And we can begin to prepare today.  The following is a lesson on Preparing for the Coming Persecution in America.