Monk Meditation

So Long and Thanks for All the Chi


Synopsis Monk Meditation has been on a hiatus for awhile now. We had planned on returning soon as we ramped up towards a Legion launch. It is with a heavy heart that I announce the indefinite hiatus of Monk Meditation.   The show has been running for over two years when a group of monks got together to share our enthusiasm for the show. So, why call it quits now?   Purpose As I mulled over this decision, I thought about why I started it in the first place. Some of you may not know that Monk Meditation started as a 90 second segment at the end of The Instance podcast, simply sharing bits of information, like the specs, talents, and abilities of the soon to be released Monk class (it started in the beta of Mists of Pandaria). I was excited about the class being announced and wanted to share my enthusiasm with the WoW community in hopes to bring more people to play the class