Reasonable Doubts Podcast

RD Extra: Andrews vs Schieber Debate - Does the God of Christianity Exist



This debate was not a live debate, rather it was a series of audio exchanges that took place through the months of June and July of 2013. The exchanges were according to agreed upon time limitations on each section. For each of their several sections, the debaters were given at least a week to analyze, script and record their entries before submitting it to their opponent. Each submission, has been edited together in the agreed upon order for your listening interest. As one speaker ends, the next will follow without interruption.20 minutes were allowed to each debater for opening statements.Followed by 20 minutes to each for first rebuttals. Then 15 minutes to each for a second round of rebuttals.Then 5 minutes to each for closing statements.Arguing in the affirmative is Max Andrews. In the negative, Justin Schieber. Max Andrews is senior writer and public relations administrator for Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig but, just to be clear, he is NOT representing either entity in this debate. He has