In The Margins

E2: Running and Writing: An Interview with Crystal Simone Smith



Crystal Simone Smith, poet and Managing Editor of Backbone Press,  discusses her new chapbook, “Running Music” (Longleaf Press, 2014) which explores her experiences as a  runner, family, and grief. As one who began writing professionally as an adult, Smith says, “It’s never too late to find poetry.” Podcast Notes: Crystal Simone Smith was raised in Prince George’s County, Maryland and educated in North Carolina at Bennett College, UNC-Greensboro, and Queens University of Charlotte. She is also Managing Editor for Backbone Press and currently lives in Durham, NC, where she teaches Composition and Creative Writing. Resources Warren Wilson Low Residency MFA: http://www.wwcmfa.orgThe Sun Magazine: Inspirational Poets Lucille Clifton: Sharon Olds: Publications Routes Home (Finishing Line Press) by Crystal Simone Smith Finishing Line Press: https://finishingl