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The Truth (of You) Shall Set You Free!



This Meditation Circle gets its spiritual inspiration from Chapter 25: Always The Father's Son in Rev. Ike's secrets of health joy and prosperity for you Science Of Living Study Guide. "The Truth Shall Set You Free! " (John 8:31)  "The Lord /LAW is my shepherd, I shall not want." (Psalms 23:1)  In this Chapter Rev Ike talks teaches us about the difference between FACTS and TRUTH.  According to Rev. Ike "...there are no poor or sick people. There are only people who do not know the riches and wellness of God within them." In other words, when we experience lack of any good thing in our lives it is due to a belief in lack. In this chapter the Rev. compares this common amnesia to the Biblical Prodigal son, who left his father's house, only to get caught up in SIN (self-inflicted nonsense) when he forgot about the Truth ; that he was always the father's son! When we lose sight of the TRUTH and we place our belief in the Facts, we suffer. Get the Book: Rev. Ike's Secrets For Health, Joy and Prosperity, For