Gospel Saving Church

287 - “It Is Finished”



Overview – “It Is Finished”. Acts 15:1-35. In our message today we studied an attack of satan, on the church of God in the city of Antioch. The Christian soldiers in this church had been doing a lot of amazing work for God’s kingdom, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ and bringing people to Christ, and as a result, the devil brings some of his little followers to this church, in the form of some religious looking people that came teaching that, unless people were circumcised and keeping the law of Moses, they couldn’t be saved. Why was this a counter attack by the devil? How do we know that these religious looking people were really from the devil? Why is teaching that people must keep the law of Moses to be saved, an evil doctrine that I believe comes from the devil? I answer all of these questions and more in this message titled, “It Is Finished”. So come and take a listen and learn the Word of God. May God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him. Pastor Ed