Gospel Saving Church

289 - His Grand Rule Of Love



Overview - His Grand Rule Of Love. Acts 16:1-5. In our message today, Paul seems to play the hypocrite with with Timothy to make the Jews happy in the region they were going into. Paul takes Silas and goes on a journey back to the churches that he and Barnabas planted, and they run into a highly recommended man of God who was well spoken of by the other people of Christ, Timothy, and Paul wants to take him along, to help him encourage the churches they were heading into. But there was a huge problem with Timothy, and Paul feels compelled to fix it, even though his fixing Timothy seems to be hypocritical according to the purpose of their journey. What Paul did to fix Timothy was NOT hypocritical, but why wasn’t it? What does Paul do to fix Timothy, that seems to be hypocritical, but was not? What is Paul’s Grand Rule Of Love? Come and take a listen and find out the answers of these questions and, may God richly bless you as you diligently seek Him. Pastor Ed Spagnoli