Gospel Saving Church

296 - If Jesus Had Not Risen Then Nothing Matters



Overview - If Jesus Had Not Risen Then Nothing Matters. 1 Corinthians 15:1-20. Happy Resurrection day everyone!!! Praise God for this beautiful day that every true follower of Jesus Christ everywhere, can celebrate Jesus Christ and the fact that He rose from the dead to defeat mankind’s’ great enemy death, and grant us an amazing new life, after this very short life is over, in eternity forevermore. But, what if He had not risen from the dead? Well then, as I title implies, I don’t believe anything would matter at all. How can I say this? Why would nothing matter if Jesus Christ didn’t rise from the dead? Did Jesus Christ really and truly rise from the dead? And if so, how can we really know for sure if He did? I answer all of these questions and more in this message titled, “If Jesus Had Not Risen Then Nothing Matters?” So come and take a listen to find out the answers to these questions, and may the Lord bless you as you diligently seek Him. Pastor Ed