Gospel Saving Church

297 - Be Like A Berean



Overview – Be Like A Berean. Acts 17:10-15. Paul flees the city of Thessalonica, because of the Jews who wanted to kill him for his proving Jesus Christ to them, and he goes to the city of Berea. He doesn’t take any time off from preaching and goes right into the local synagogue to preach again to the Jews of this new city. The difference this time, with the Jew and Gentile followers in Berea from those in Thessalonica, is that those in Berea have open eyes, ears, and receptive hearts to the news that Paul gives them of Jesus being the Christ, and God ends up saving many of them. What can we learn from these Bereans? Why should we be like them? Why did God save many of them? I address all of these questions and more in this message title, “Be Like A Berean”, so come and check it out and take a listen, and please feel free to leave any comments or questions you may have. I will respond to every one of them. May God bless you as you diligently seek Him. Pastor Ed