Gospel Saving Church

298 - Making The Unknown God, Known



Overview - Making The Unknown God, Known. Acts 17:16-34. In my message today, I teach through Paul’s address to the Areopagus. We open our section of scripture today with Paul in Athens Grease. He’s in Athens because the brethren in Berea send him away to escape the Jews that had come there to attack, and possibility kill him. Paul is escorted to Athens alone, and once he’s there, he realizes that he needs his assistants, Timothy and Silas. While Paul is waiting for Silas and Timothy to arrive in Athens, his spirit is roused within him out of love, as he sees all of those in the city given to idols. He looks around and sees a multiple of temples and statues that are dedicated to their pagan Greek gods, along with one statue that he sees, that is dedicated to “the unknown God”. Immediately he goes into the synagogue and into the market places and preaches Jesus Christ. Some philosophers then come along and hear what he is preaching and decide that it would be a great idea if they bring him to the Areopag