Gospel Saving Church

301 - Vows Are Dangerous!



Overview – Vows Are Dangerous! Acts 18:12-23. Paul, along with Aquila and Priscilla, sail to Syria, and so, back to his home church in Antioch. Before they do though, they make a couple of stops, one in Cenchrea, where he/Paul takes a vow, and the other in Ephesus to preach to some Jews in a synagogue. The Jews are unexpectedly receptive to Paul’s message of Jesus Christ, and they want him to stay longer. How does Paul respond? He declines, which is so anti-typical of his heart to bring the lost to Christ. What made him decline their offer to stay longer to hear more about Jesus Christ? His vow. Why did his vow cause him to decline their offer? Why are vows dangerous? Come take a listen, because I explain all in this message titled, Vows Are Dangerous! May the Lord bless you as you diligently seek Him Pastor Ed