Digital Photography Life - Make Every Shot Count : Digital Camera Reviews | Tutorials

DPL 016: Take Better Pictures on a Sunny Day



It's that season again - tons of new cameras and gear to discuss. We'll get into some of the latest and greatest, and tell you how to take better pictures on sunny days with the equipment you have now. But first, a bit of catch up - on our last show, I mentioned an online back service that will mail you a hard drive with your data, saving you weeks of downloading your data should you crash yours. I couldn't remember the name, but have since looked it up - it's BackBlaze. $5/month or $50/year for unlimited storage. If you ever need to get your backed up data on physical media, it'll cost you $89 for a DVD's worth of data (?) or a more reasonable $189 for a USB hard drive with your files. Both prices include shipping and handling. The hard drive seems like a great value to me. Our listener and guest-Tweeter Landya McCafferty kicked butt again, winning the Photowalk Contest for her city for the second year in a row! Go Landya. Of course, her city is Placenta, Wisconcin, and she's the only resident with a camera.