Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things

How a Tough Professional Life Can Impact Your Personal Life - A Male Perspective



In episode 627 of Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things, we are back with another guest host, David.  Once a month he brings the male perspective on emotions with conversations he has with men.  In this episode he chats with Ted, a District Attorney, sex trafficking expert, author, philosopher, snowboarder, photographer, amateur athlete and, most importantly, a father to two amazing kids who have taught him more than all his other passions combined. He strives to continue growing and learning, while persevering through all the obstacles that life tosses in his way.  In this chat, David and Ted discuss Ted's experiences as a prosecutor of both child murder cases and a variety of sex trafficking related crimes. Importantly, they discuss the emotional aspects of his work, and especially about how his professional life has impacted his personal life, specifically as a soon-to-be-single parent of two children. We also discuss Ted's journey as a writer of fiction crime novels. Ted also explains to us the heart