I Know I'm Crazy With Naja Hall

079: Naja chats with Family Court Psychologist Dr. Kelly Baker



Have you ever wanted to talk to an actual psychologist that testifies for families in court? Today Naja chats with an actual psychologist that's gone to Family Court over 300 times! Dr. Baker. Kelley Baker earned her Ph.D. in Developmental, Social, and Personality Psychology and she has counseled individuals and families since 1994. Dr. Baker specializes in providing mental health services to families during divorce and post divorce.  She has completed of 190 hours of specialized training for mental health professionals working with families of divorce and alienation. She has worked with over 300 cases since beginning her private practice and provided testimony throughout central Texas. In Dr. Baker's own words, " I will not make light of the realistic loss and pain that accompanies this transition, but I will not allow the client to remain entrenched in fears that are irrational and will destroy their children. I am interested in helping adults who believe in the unity of all human beings and the ultimate g