Cinema Sesh

Captain America: Civil War Sesh



The moment we've all been waiting for has come: Captain America: Civil War! Brother vs Brother! North vs South! Abolitionists vs...wait. Wrong civil war.  Captain America and Iron Man go head to head in this behemoth of a movie, dragging the rest of the Avengers into the fray. Many of the old faces you know and love are back, including Falcon, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, War Machine, Vision, Winter Soldier, Ant-Man and Hawkeye. If you thought they couldn't pack in more superheros, you're wrong! Spider-Man and Black Panther join in the fun!  For all you fans out there, this is a great episode. We get into the past, present and future of the Captain America and how it all ties into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Trust me, this'll be a good listen. Enjoy!   Email us your thoughts, questions or hate mail to   Follow our social media antics!