Cinema Sesh

Logan Sesh



Spoilers abound! Must we remind you every time? Sadly, this week we say goodbye to one of the most iconic super heroes in cinema history: Logan, aka The Wolverine. Hugh Jackman has been playing this role for 17 years now and is finally hanging up the claws to move on to...what? We don't know but we wish him well. In this final chapter of the Logan saga, we are rocketed into the future with new characters, a few of our old favorites There's cybernetics, psychics and clones, oh my! How many times are they going to use that Wizard of Oz reference, you ask? As many times as there are pithy lists to make about a movie. Listen as our two hosts journey down memory lane and talk about how Logan got here and how the movie itself lives up to the legend. Enjoy!   Email us your thoughts, questions or hate mail to   Follow our social media antics!