Cinema Sesh

Ghost in the Shell Sesh



What does it mean to be human? Does the construct of a soul actually exist? Where is the closest 24 hour sushi restaurant near you?  None of these questions and more will be answered in this episode of Cinema Sesh as AJ and Jay discuss the story of the cybernetic Major played by Scarlett Johansson. There is so much about this movie for us to unpack, especially in comparing it to the anime it is adapted from (Yes, we're those types of nerds. Also, guess which movie with Oompa Loompas we prefer). When it's all over, you'll have a better understanding of what it means to be our friends and what they have to put up with after we see a movie with them. You'll emit a laughter prompt, you'll leak silicone tears in a preprogramed act of crying, you might even acquire some new data packets that increase your understanding of your immediate world. But what do we know? We're not rocket surgeons. Enjoy!   Email us your thoughts, questions or hate mail to   Follow our social media antics! https://twit