Cinema Sesh

Wonder Woman Sesh



Who has ever wished they could go back in time? See the world of yesteryear, experience a younger, more innocent world. One with fewer rights for everyone who wasn't white and male, no penicillin and a complete lack of internet. Actually that sounds incredibly awful. The only good thing is that Kyle, that jerk from work, wouldn't have been born yet.  Let's face it, folks. War is hell. But you know what makes it better? Superheroines! In the newest installment of the DCEU, we join Diana Prince AKA Wonder Woman AKA Gal Gadot as she kicks ass across Europe during World War I or, as your great grandparents knew it at the time, "The Great War". I honestly don't see what was so great about it. Join Jay and AJ as they break down the whole story, the CGI and their favorite moments of the film. Hunker down in the trenches and make sure you have your rations to keep up your strength through this Wonder Woman episode of Cinema Sesh!   Email us your thoughts, questions or hate mail to   Follow our so