Cinema Sesh

The Mummy Sesh



Now, when I die, don't think I'm a nut. Don't want no fancy funeral, just one like ole King Tut. Seems like a fun process. Get part of your brain yanked out with a hook. Have your vital organs put into separate jars, your eyes get replaced with onions! Thank goodness your already dead! Fun Fact: When you type in 'Process of' into Google, 'mummification' is the first autofill result. Listen, we're gonna level with you. Nothing in this movie is nearly as interesting as that description of mummification AJ found on Google. It's a mess of grayness, CGI zombies and simplistic plot/dialogue. "But guys" you may ask, "the movie couldn't possibly be that bad, could it?". Listen, far be it from us to dissuade you from going to the cinema and pumping currency into our economy which it desperately needs, but maybe go see...anything else. We discuss this movie, for longer than we probably should and more in depth than it deserves, because we sacrifice for our fans. You're welcome. Please enjoy Jay and AJ grumbling through