Cinema Sesh

Baby Driver Sesh



How do you put together the perfect mix tape? The perfect playlist? The tracks that match like puzzle pieces to the emotion or vibe you're yearning for. You've gotta know what gets you going, gets you pumped. Keep your ears open for songs that light your soul on fire when you hear the first notes. And make sure there's a few tracks with heart pounding beats to bump while you're driving a getaway car! You can always throw a podcast episode into your playlist. Don't worry. It'll totally flow. Like this episode! Jay and AJ discuss Edgar Wright and his impressive body of work. They also talk about the all-star cast, try not to mispronounce Ansel Elgort's name and heap praise on whoever the stunt drivers were in this movie. Seriously, go see it if only for the chase scenes! So point your car in an all new direction and drown out everything else in your life with this episode of Cinema Sesh all about Baby Driver.   Email us thoughts, questions or if you're a Nigerian Prince   Follow our social