Understanding The Scriptures

Ch. 23 - Jesus Fulfills the Old Testament



In this lesson, Carson discusses how Jesus perfectly fulfills the Old Testament in two main ways: (1) Jesus fulfills various Old Testament foretypes that point to him, and (2) Jesus is the answer to the building climactic story of the Old Testament. In this particular chapter, focus is placed on the first of these two means of fulfillment. Numerous Old Testament characters served as types or figures of Jesus. We get the English word "type" from the Greek term tupos {too-pos}: "impression, figure, or stamp." These types find their ultimate fulfillment in Jesus who is the antitype. The Greek term anti {an-tee} means "opposite to" or "in place of." So, the antitype is that which the type finds fulfillment in. This has been discussed previously in Chapters 2 and 3, and this lesson sums up our study of various major Old Testament types. You will learn how Jesus is the New Adam, the New Noah, the New Moses, the New Israel, the New Isaac, the New David, and the New Solomon. The major characteristics of thes