Educational Podcasting Today | How To Create Podcasts And Wordpress Websites

Selecting and Working With Podcasting Cohosts



In today's episode, we explore and examine the inner workings of podcasting cohosts. How should you set up your podcast when there is more than one voice? What types of applications are available when working in a multi-author environment? What are some tips and tricks used to make sure everyone is contributing to your podcast? We explore all this and more in today's episode of Educational Podcasting today. If you would like to have your show featured on Educational Podcasting today, please email the show or leave a (voicemail) and I'd be happy to showcase your podcast today! Show TopicsEduRoadTrip Podcast Working with and Selecting Cohosts for your Podcast About Our Guest (EduRoadTrip) is a podcast hosted by Greg Bagby, Justin Birckbichler, and Mari Venturino. Set up like a national road trip, this podcasts explores lessons gleaned from landmarks, meets up with featured guests, and shares teaching tips and tricks. Join us on the jou