Radio Liferay

RL000 Episode 0



Let me introduce myself as the one who wants to be the resident german accent in your ears. After a long time of "just intending" I finally went ahead and started recording a podcast about Liferay - the project, the product, the people and the company. Episode 0, a brief introduction with the intent and some generic information is available for manual download. It's only 4:12. Episode 1 will be out within a day - I sat together with James Falkner, Liferay's community manager, who luckily agreed to be my guinea pig. Episode 2 is - contrary to what I say in episode 0 - already recorded and will need a bit of post-production. Stay tuned for this - I'm speaking with the Alter Ego of "Rich Editor". You might have noticed that I said "manual download" - there's no feed yet. But as I had the content, and it's kind of timely because we talk about the symposiums, I wanted it out in public as soon as possible. So please bear with me while I create a feed that somehow contains what the typical feedreader - especially