Radio Liferay

RL008 Brian Chan - Radio Liferay Episode 8



Liferay for your ears: Episode 8 is a premiere in this program: Brian Chan, Liferay's founder and Chief Software Architect, is the first that I didn't record in a conversation: Instead this is a recording from Brian's closing keynote at the European Symposium. I had originally planned to record an episode with Brian, but during this keynote he already answered 80% of what I had on my list - and added another 80% that I did not have on my list. So for now I settled with the keynote, well worth listening to The introduction is done by Bryan Cheung, another member of Liferay's founding team and the Chief Executive Officer. As this is the full keynote, I really recommend to listen to it in full, and for that reason don't provide a bullet point list of the topics here. Just this: You'll learn a lot about the setup of the company, the vision, the reason why you want to work with Liferay - the product as well as the company. And why the company will stay with this vision for the foreseeable future. And where the na