Radio Liferay

RL015 Greg Amerson - Radio Liferay Episode 15



For the annual Liferay Retreat, I was in L.A. again and took the opportunity to record several new episodes - this one as a nice fireside chat - the first one with a live audience, though they have not been interacting too much - just been in the same room :) In this session I talked with Greg Amerson, the author of Liferay's development tooling. This is one of the first recordings on new gear, unfortunately levelling was not ideal, so it had to significantly be amplified and denoised - bringing some drawbacks in audio quality, mainly noise despite the denoising, but you'll be able to stand it - promised. Also, I hoped to get this out before the holiday season, unfortunately this didn't work out that well for various reasons - Sorry for that, you'll get your late christmas wishes in this episode. Among other topics we talked about: * Greg got his exposure to Eclipse Tooling from being one of the first people to work on the MyEclipse product * The distincion between Liferay IDE (for Liferay CE) and