Radio Liferay

RL021 Jim Hinkey. Bringing back Javadocs - Radio Liferay Episode 21



My apologies for the long break in publishing the episodes - I got distracted with a lot of work and once there is an interruption of a habit, you probably know how hard it is to get back into it. I hope to be on track again now and will publish the archive of already recorded episodes soon - and produce more of them. This is another episode recorded at the previous Liferay Retreat. I sat together with Jim Hinkey, Knowledge Engineer and part of Liferay's knowledgement and documentation team, since March 2011. He took over ownership of the developer's guide and is the guy to bring back javadoc to Liferay (more about this and how/why Liferay once lost its javadoc at the end of this episode) We talked about How Jim found Liferay Life in Raleigh/NC One of his biggest chokes, the (re)creation of javadocs for Liferay The process that Javadoc now has to go through in order to get into the product and other topics As I managed to get short hold of Brian Chan, I had the opportunity to ask two m