Radio Liferay

RL023 Well Hidden Features - Radio Liferay Episode 23



New year's resolution: Publish more podcast episodes. Let's start - Happy New Year, wishing you all the best for 2013... This is a solo episode with yours truly. I had a lot of fun preparing and presenting this session, "Well Hidden Features", at the european symposium 2012 in Wiesbaden/Germany, as well as in Milano. They both built upon earlier presentations at the nordic and french symposiums and have been used as inspirations for other presentations at the north american as well as the spanish symposium. So, if you were at any of these symposiums, there's a good chance that you've heard some of the content. Also, if you're working with Liferay for some time, there's another good chance for you to know some of the tipps&tricks already. As I mention at the beginning of the recording: This all is trivial knowledge - but in order to be trivial knowledge, it first has to be known - and I hope there's something in it even for the more experienced among you.