Radio Liferay

RL039 Juan Fernandez and Ivica Čardić on Liferay Cloud Services



\o/ Radio Liferay is back. A while ago I talked with Juan Fernandez and Ivica Čardić about an exciting project they're collaborating on: Liferay Cloud Services. "What's this?" you ask? Well, good that you're asking, because here's the explanation. It's all about helping you monitor the health of your Liferay Installation, keeping an eye on the installed fixpacks (if you're using EE) or showing you some monitoring information that the server provides and you'd otherwise risk not to see. (The episode is prefixed with a PSA for all Radio Liferay Listeners: The CfP for Devcon2014 is still open until 22. Aug 2014) and if you intend to come to the unconference on 4. Nov., make sure to register early: We have limited space and already predict that we'll sell out the unconference - there are enough seats available for the regular DevCon) (More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)