Radio Liferay

RL057 Documentation with Jim Hinkey and Cody Hoag



Today I'm welcoming a repeat guest and a new one: Jim Hinkey (of episode 21 fame) and Cody Hoag - both from Liferay's documentation and knowledge management team. This episode has unfortunately suffered from various disturbances in the space-time-continuum: I had it sitting on my disk for quite a while. The Javadoc Contest that we've "started" in this episode was actually published/announced in the meantime and unfortunately ended recently. Congratulations to Sébastien and Marcellus. However, not to render the call for action in this episode useless, let's start another one soon - there can't be enough Javadoc, and I admit that we have still plenty of opportunities to write new documentation left for you. Please subscribe to the comments on Cody's winner's announcements to see the update - I'll also mention it on a Radio Liferay episode once it's been restarted. But I'll also put a word in for you if you already write the javadoc now. (More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in t