Radio Liferay

RL067 Bryce Osterhaus on Frontend Development



For this episode of Radio Liferay, I've talked with Bryce Osterhaus, Frontend Developer at Liferay for ~ 6 years. With his experience, he's a perfect complement to me: While he feels at home in the browser, client side, I'm comfortable on the backend, away from all of the messy frontend stuff - prepare for some naïve questions coming his way. We spoke about a design decision that has been made in some internal projects: His team has built a UI that does not utilize Liferay's page/site infrastructure. It's rather an application that utilizes some of the infrastructure but not what's typically used to compose frontend applications on a portal. Or, in the rage of the day, you could say: "Headless". ;) (More notes and links available in HTML version of this paragraph and in the blogpost linked to the episode)