Linnean Learning

Linnean Future Podcast #41: Deep History of Climate Change



Hindsight is 20/20. In retrospect, we could have always done things better. But how does this play out in the case of climate change. Does our recorded history hold lessons for us? What and how did our ancestors do when faced with climatic changes and disasters? What can we learn? In this episode, we chat with Dr. Dagomar Degroot who takes us all the way back to 1560, bridging the humanities and sciences to explore how societies have suffered – sometimes thrived - in the face of environmental changes. The Linnean Future Podcast Series is an initiative by The Linnean Society of London in response to the ongoing planetary emergency. This series brings you stories from around the world that explore the impacts of climate change on every aspect of our lives. Through the series we will be meeting researchers, practitioners, activists, lawyers, and others who are studying these climatic changes, tracking their causes and impacts, and working on solutions. The Linnean Society of London is committed to Net Zero