Coach Glass Podcast

Dynamic Coaching for the Modern Golf Pro



The classic golf coaching model is inherently broken. This episode is a working coaching model the modern golf professional. It will redefine the way they coach their athletes. The modern golf professional needs a different approach to coaching. The new model needs to provide the golfer with the tools to adjust and adapt to the ever changing environment, conditions and competitive situations that arise in a round of golf. It is not about fixing them. It is about empowering them to meet the challenge that is presented for each shot. Coaching is about giving the athlete the ingredients that expand the options available to them to overcome each challenge they are faced with. The more ingredients they have, the more creative they can be at executing them. Thank you to our sponsors. @mytpi @perform_better Register for all your MyTPI classes here: Want to buy some equipment? Of course you do! Perform Better @perform_better use code “GLASS1