Monster Party




MAY THE QUOTE BE WITH YOU! JAMES GONIS, SHAWN SHERIDAN, LARRY STROTHE, and MATT WEINHOLD, dive deep into their massive film libraries, to mine some the strangest sayings ever to be uttered in speculative fiction. Following in the frightful footsteps of our HORROR MOVIE QUOTES episode, MONSTER PARTY brings you a galaxy- spanning glossary that we've scientifically titled... SCI-FI MOVIE QUOTES!!! If you remember HORROR MOVIE QUOTES (with the lovely and charming KEN DALY), you know the drill. We all present quotes from well known (at least to us) science fiction films, and the rest of us try to guess what that film is. And if you think this was easy, think again. You'd be surprised at how a line taken out of context can confound even the most hardcore movie brainiac. Or maybe not! Maybe you're one of those special genre mutants, able to identify a sci-fi quote with your Cerebro-esque noodle.  If so, we hope you use your powers for good. For this episode, we needed a guest with a vast knowledge of fantastic films