Life Over Pain

Life Over Pain - Paige Speers - Choosing Greater and Making it Happen



One way many people create a life of value as they live with whatever cards they have been dealt is to give back in some way. That is a key reason why most of the people share their stories on this podcast are so generous in doing so. And Paige Speers is a fine example.Paige suffered a pulmonary embolism which left her with an acquired brain injury. She went through the standard rehab and medication protocols as she fought back from this trauma. Those only took her so far. So she looks for more resources, and let me tell you, Paige is very good and find them. Not only did she find functional neurologists, but also she found therapies that where based on things she loved to do in her youth like horseback riding and dance, all of which were rolled onto a holistic approach. Now Paige is on a mission to help others find resources that will help them with the right kinds of therapies for them. In fact she has shared links to some of the resources she uses below along with her business email.Here is a list of resou