Cal Chat

Ep. 5_Part 3 of 4_Parents of Alcoholics



Theresa’s favorite piece of literature to use for outreach purposes is the reprint "Parents of Alcoholics" (R-18) in Episode 5’s part 3 of 4.  It’s only 12 pages, but so powerful!  She shares the moment she hit her “bottom” and what brought her into the Al-Anon program.  We also talk about being able to differentiate between helping versus enabling and what is one thing a parent can definitely do for their alcoholic child. QUOTABLE MOMENT FROM THERESA: "...our children come through us, not to us." LITERATURE MENTIONED & RELATED EPISODES: "Parents of Alcoholics" (reprint)   "Courage to Change"  –  Episode 3: part 4 of 4,   Episode 9: part 1 of 4,  &  Episode 9: part 2 of 4  "Opening Our Hearts, Transforming Our Losses"  –  Episode 10: part 4 of 4  OTHER WAYS TO EXPLORE & CELEBRATE AL-ANON / ALATEEN LITERATURE:  Visit my "CAL Chat" blog -  Instagram -  Pinterest -  Twitter -