Universal Windows Podcast

Episode 022 - What Did Dave bring to Show and Tell?



00:00 – Introductions – The Surface Smiths Podcast is a member of the TechPodcast Network. Word of the week is Lappable. Colin is still away so this week Sean Kearney is a guest host and Matt is here to help out 01:25 – David asks and Sean explains about the MVP Summit 03:56 – Discussion of extended warranties 05:40 – Is a tub of rice as good as an extended warranty? 06:55 – Be nice to you Tech Support and don’t lie to them 07:33 – Dave unveils the Latitude Rugged Tablet military spec device that Dell has lent to us for evaluation. It even has a stealth mode for covert operations. The boys talk about the unit and the use cases it serves. 15:25 – Dave is looking for ideas to really put the Dell Latitude Rugged Tablet to the test and make a video. Please send your suggestions to us. 16:20 – Matt tells us about the SlowMo Guys on YouTube 18:55 – David unveils his Surface Book – Here is Sean’s 20:50 – Dave addresses the lapability issues with the Surface Book among other issues 22:05 – Ejecting the clipboard