Rcktman's Launching Padcast

PadCast #6: Remembering



A photograph. An old shirt. A song. The sound of a voice. The scent of perfume or cologne. Memory is an incredibly powerful thing, and the older we get, the harder it is to access those deposits of information at will. Sometimes it takes one of the triggers mentioned above to make the memory jog itself, and recapture what you thought you had lost for so long. This past weekend I found a casette tape I had recorded on Christmas Day 1982. I was 11 years old. As I listened to the tape, and laughing at how young I sounded, and how little my sister was, I realized that I was hearing my Grandma’s voice again for the first time in nearly 20 years. I was instantly rushed back to that day, unwrapping presents and just being a kid again. It felt warm. It felt comfortable. In today’s podcast I talk about memories and how powerful they are to me. At the beginning of the podcast, you’ll hear a brief snippet of that tape. Try not to laugh at how dorky I sound. I was truly dorky back then. There are just no other words