Rcktman's Launching Padcast

PadCast #17: Rainy Day Feeling



OK, lest you think today’s PadCast is going to be all depressing and weepy and “woe is me”, think again. I was actually quite chipper when I recorded it. Maybe I was just tired (considering how late it was), or maybe I’m just sick and tired of being mopey. The main reason I chose the title was the music, but it also has something to do with the weather, which has been incredibly dreary lately. Where is our sun!?!? Anyway… lots of talk about all of my bad luck lately, and how it finally seems to be getting a little bit better. It’s about time! Also discussing the Gay Bloggers:Chicago event this Saturday at Cocktail, and the Podcasting Awards… have you voted yet??? So drop it in your iPod, click it and listen… do whatever you wish. Just do it, and let me know what you think! Music: (Opening) Here Comes That Rainy Day Feeling: The Fortunes song only (iTunes) Music: (Closing) Another Rainy Day In New York City: Chicago / Chicago X (partial album only on iTunes) Subscribe: iTunes | Odeo Chat with me